A touching and life story

A touching and life story
Written by Jeremiah Gabriel blog

I never knew I could have the courage to share  my story, I believe my story will inspire and encourage someone. My name is Adeleke Jasmine Tioluwanimi. My friends calls me Jas for short and Jasmine is my favorite name too, Jasmine means a plant with flowers with a very pleasant and sweet smell. The name was given by my mum who is a Canadian. My dad went for a conference in Canada and that was where he met my mum, it was love at first sight they said. Well many people say love at first sight doesn't exist, some say it is merely lust, but living with my parent for over 20years made me realise that love whether at first sight or at last sight will work out once God is involved . And it is certain without doubt that God was involved in their relationship. Opposition came from all angles when they were courting. My dad's parent wouldn't acknowledge a white woman as there daughter-in-law, their reasons was that she doesn't understand their culture and she will steal their son away. My mums parent were not too bothered anyways , they were open minded. But my mums friend at that time filled her head up with different ideas, they assumed my dad was only interested in her because she was a foreigner and he probably needed a green card. All this opposition didn't stop their love from growing stronger.
Don't let me bore you with their love story, am here to share my own story, a story filled with happiness, pain ,regrets,bitterness forgiveness and then love.
I am the 2nd born and  the only daughter out of 3 children. Growing up was easy for me and my siblings, we never lacked anything, my Dad was upto the task and he always finds time to be with his family, he is an ideal husband and father. My parent taught us the way of Lord right from when we were young, we never miss bible study, retreats and youth camps. It was on one of those youth camp that I gave my life to Christ. It was an intriguing experience, I can never forget that day,12th September 2003.
I kept walking in the faith and I vowed never to be involved in premarital sex until I get married, infact kissing was considered a sin by me. But then the unexpected happened...

To be continued

This is a work of fiction any resemblance to actual person living or dead is purely coincidental.

Please share as much as possible,no need to seek for permission, but be careful not to remove the authors name while sharing. God bless you.

© jerrysmartblog 2017


I was in my 4th year at University of Ibadan, studying electrical engineering, mathematics and physics have always been my favorite subject,so I opted for an engineering course. My mum wanted me to study abroad,but I can't  bear the thought of been far away from my family, so I told her I will do my Master's abroad. Being a Canada citizen it would be easy for me to study in Canada or US, and the money was available also, maybe I should have listened to my mum.
I was a very free ,jovial and easy going person, I have lots of friends and was very popular on campus. Many people don't even know my name they just nicknamed me halfcaste. My tall figure, beautiful face and long hair will make anyone take a look at me twice, I have been advised to participate in beauty contest several times but I always decline. All I could think about is how to please God,be the best student in my faculty and make my parent extremely proud.
I attend this nondenominational fellowship on campus, and I was in charge of the academic welfare of freshers as well as stallites who need help academically. My unit members and myself organises tutorials ,prepare study materials and compile past questions for students. I really enjoy doing this, it gives me great joy when others are progressing academically.
Many guys flocks around me on campus,both the qualified and unqualified. The qualified being the believers while the unqualified being the unbelievers. At any chance I get i try to preach to my "toasters" and most times it pisses them off,but I don't care. But among the many qualified brothers were two particular ones that caught my attention,they were zealous,and they love to do the things of God, but only God knows those who are truly serving him. Bro Philips was the treasurer of the fellowship and Bro Samuel was the assistant bible study secretary. You need to see and hear Bro Samuel  divide the word of God, you would think he was right there when the writer wrote the bible passages thousands of years ago.
I have always been praying about my marital life, I always prayed that God will lead me and direct me. It was also my utmost desire never to have an Ex-boyfriend/fiance, I wished that my husband should be the first and last that I would ever court.
Would my prayers be answered and would my wish come true?....

Find out as you continue.

2Timothy 2:19"Nevertheless the foundation of the lord Standeth sure, having this seal the lord knoweth them that are his. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity".

This is a work of fiction,any resemblance to actual person living or dead is purely coincidental.
(C) jerrysmartblog 2017
